Sunday, June 1, 2008

Airport Inspection.

Well, I didn't fly this week. One of my reservations had to be cancelled because of a work meeting, and the other one was due to weather. I have three reservations this coming week, so I'm hopeful that I'll get airborne at least once.

Today I took my little boy to the airport to watch takeoffs and landings. It was a perfect day for flying, but not too many people were taking advantage of it. We watched 4 takeoffs and landings and he absolutely loved it.

Next scheduled flight is Tuesday, so I will have an update then.


Jim said...

Maybe you ought to just give up and pass this experience on to the young lad. At your rate, by the time you get all your flight time in they'll be pulling your license.

Keith K. said...

I have the power to delete comments you know. I'm not above censorship.

Unknown said...

Sounds like the talk of a liberal to me!

Keith K. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Way to join the ranks of Stalin, Hitler, Castro and Chavez Keith... Way to go...

Keith K. said...

LOL I deleted my own comment. Long live the Republic!

Jim said...

Yep, censors, then lies to his people. Guess this sight has little to do with the freedom of speech :(